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Potable water preparation plant is a mobile device, which is placed in a unified, insulated and air-conditioned container, whih is well-established in the range of Czech Army hardware. The device is used for preparation of water from various sources of surface and well water. It is a process consisting of five stages, removing of odours, removing of organic and indissoluble substances, softening and desalting of water, tuning the water quality according to a EU norm, disinfection and conservation of water. AT is designed to a variant solution of water treatment, it works in a semi-automatic non-stop regime with operation of one trained person.
The plant is equipped with a basic laboratory and setup for detection of the parameters of received water, for the preparation of water (setting of correct method and setting of the water parameters) and also for the control of potable water after the treatment.
The water preparation plant without any additional setup works in this range:
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