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Anti-Mould Programme - Asperol, Sorbus | PROTE - Progressive technology in Ecology


The PROTE Ltd. company introduces to the market a new, highly efficient anti-mould formulation Asperol, suitable to mould-elimination on objects and in rooms. The formulation was developped for army-use, for treatment of long-term stored material, against moulds and mildew. Use The product is used for elimination of moulds in the places where they emerge and for treatment of these places in order to prevent their further emergence. Usually, these are moist, dank places with unsufficient air circulation. With the formulation, various things can be treated such as individual objects, complex ...

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The PROTE Ltd. Company introduces to the market a new, highly efficient anti-mould formulation Sorbus, suitable for mould elimination at objects coming into touch with food. The product was developed for use in nutritional operation, for treatment of repeatedly used devices, their parts and wrappers of stored material, against moulds. It´s effect is not so penetrative as that of Asperol, but is suitable for use in the nutritional environment. Use The formulation is used for mould elimination at places, where they emerge and for treatment of these places against their prospective ...

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